Shredded cabbage and carrots tossed with olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, mint, scallions, and spices.
It’s already June. Time is flying by with just a little over 2 weeks to the official start of summer. Yippeee!! When I think of summer I think of hamburgers, hotdogs, bbq’s and creamy sides like potato salad and coleslaw. But look out! There’s a new slaw in my town that isn’t the standard KFC-cloned slaw dripping in mayo. What? How can you call anything else coleslaw? Isn’t mayo the main ingredient in coleslaw? For the most part, yes. Americans love drowning shredded cabbage in mayo, although there are other American variations using *gasp* more creamy stuff like buttermilk and sour cream or some combination of the two or all three. Can you really blame us? That’s how Americans make raw cabbage taste good, and good it is.
But coleslaw comes in other forms in different parts of the world that doesn’t include that thick condiment or artery-clogging cream dressings Americans love putting on practically everything: Greeks use yogurt, Germans use malt vinegar, and the Lebanese use olive oil and lemon juice. I made this heart-healthy Lebanese version for Gary when he complained there was nothing healthy to snack on. And when he says snack on, what he really means is something in large quantity, immediately ready in the fridge that requires no preparation. If you don’t have to prepare it, it’s a snack. That’s right- Gary likes to “snack” on coleslaw (he also likes to eat green beans from the can. Don’t ask.).
Snack, side dish, main dish… Whatever you want to call it- it doesn’t matter. This recipe is so easy and fresh, fresh, fresh! The true Lebanese version, like I mentioned, does not include mayonnaise but I put a little dab in just to give it that slight creamy, texture- Your call, but I couldn’t resist!
P.S. Is it coleslaw or cole slaw? I’m seeing it spelled both ways.

- 1 (14 oz.) bag of classic coleslaw
- ⅓ cup parsley or cilantro, chopped
- ⅓ cup green onion, chopped
- ¼ cup olive oil
- 2 Tbsps. lemon juice
- 1 Tbsp. mayonnaise
- 1½ tsps. (3 cloves) garlic, minced
- ¾ tsp. each dried mint, sugar
- ½ tsp. each allspice, cumin, salt
- ¼ tsp. black pepper
- Place coleslaw, parsley and green onions in a large bowl.
- Mix dressing ingredients together in a small bowl and pour into the coleslaw bow. Toss well.
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